Team Member COVID-19 Positive Case Reporting System


Team Members are required to make a truthful declaration.

透過提交本表格,本人確認及授權威尼斯人澳門股份有限公司及其在澳門的任何附屬公司(以下簡稱為“公司”)收集及處理本人的個人資料,包括本人姓名、聯絡電話、員工號碼、部門、所屬物業及職位、現時身處地區、新冠病毒陽性確診日期、新冠病毒感染證明書載明之建議治療時期(以下簡稱“資料”)。本人明白有關資料將作為人力資源部門專門對本次新冠疫情(以下簡稱“疫情”)下對員工作出適當的安排之用,當疫情過後或為此目的已不再需要有關資料時,將會被刪除相關之資料及銷毀其紙質副本。本人理解公司有採取適當的措施去儲存及保護本人個人資料,以免有關資料遭受意外、非法或未經許可的破壞、遺失、更改、存取、披露或使用,同時,公司在任何情況下均不會在未經 本人允許下與任何其他個人或組織分享該等資料。 By submitting this webform I authorize Venetian Macau Limited and its affiliates in Macau (“Company”) to collect, process and store my personal data, including my first and last name, my mobile number, my TM ID number, department, property and position, current location, date of Covid-19 Positive Case, Advised Treatment Period on Certificate of COVID-19 Infection (“Data”). I understand my Data will be used by the Human Resources Department for purposes exclusively related with Company’s employees management arrangements during the current Covid-19 epidemic outbreak (“Outbreak”) and will be deleted and all paper copies destroyed as soon as the Outbreak is over or the Data is no longer required for such purposes. I also understand the Company takes appropriate measures to keep my Data safely stored and protected against accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure, or use and that in any circumstances the Data is shared with other individuals or organizations without my permission.